LegLock Camp Spain

  • Are accommodation and food included in the price of this camp?

    Yes, accommodation and Breakfast are included in the price of this camp. You will be accommodated at the Arcos De Montemar Hotel. The exact address of the hotel is Avda. Carlota Alessandri, 192 29620 Torremolinos, Málaga.
  • How can I reach the camp location?

    The camp will be held at Lilius Barnatt Martial Arts Gym. The exact address of the gym is Poligono el Pinillo, C. Antonio Alcaide Sánchez, 3, 29620 Torremolinos, Málaga, Spain. It is situated on a 3min walk from El Pinillo train station, Torremolinos. The train, Renfe, runs from Malaga city centr...
  • What is the cancellation policy?

    We do understand unplanned circumstances might occur so we will do our best to be flexible. Each request will be reviewed and a refund confirmed on a case-by-case scenario.