How can I reach the camp location?

You will be accommodated in Casa da Gente with the address Rua Gonçalves Fontes, n°33 – CEP: 20241-100 – Santa Teresa – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brésil.
The nearest Airport is Santos Dumont National Airport (SDU) : 2 km (5 à 10 mn) . From the airport you have a afew options to reach the camp location:
  Uber:* to be taken from the Uber stand at the far end of the airport
**  Common yellow taxi* (Aerocoop or Aerotaxi when going out in the hall)Possibility to take a tram to Cinelândia. Then walk a good 15 minutes (with a staircase of 220 steps to climb!) Or take an Uber (around 10 reais) or a taxi (around 15 reais).

Feb 10, 2025

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